The Processing of Personal Data carried out by Papel Para Mechas LTDA will be conducted in accordance with the applicable Brazilian legislation, including, but not limited to, Law No. 13.709/2018 (General Data Protection Law), Law No. 12.965/14 (Internet Civil Framework), and its Decree No. 8.771/16 (Regulatory Decree of the Internet Civil Framework), as well as the guidelines and directions of the National Data Protection Authority, among other relevant legislation on the subject.
The terms presented herein aim to clarify to clients and users of the Papel Para Mechas platforms and communication channels regarding the data processing policy adopted by this company.


Papel Para Mechas is a company that operates in the field of developing and manufacturing sustainable papers for hair highlights processes (coloring and bleaching), producing and selling a line of exclusive products with patented technologies. Papel Para Mechas is headquartered in Londrina - PR, but is present on the internet through its institutional website (, its virtual store (, and social media platforms.
Papel Para Mechas has commercial partners, including its franchisees and distributors in various regions of the country. Within this group of commercial partners, Papel Para Mechas is the controller of the personal data collected and processed within its commercial activities, regardless of the medium through which these activities are conducted (physical or online), as defined in Article 5, item VI, of Law No. 13.709/18 (General Data Protection Law).


When anyone interacts with the communication channels of Papel Para Mechas, the minimum necessary personal data will be collected to achieve the intended purpose with the service or product offered, or with the simple provision of information in favor of the user, considering the purpose and adequacy of data processing by Papel Para Mechas, seeking continuous improvement of the user experience with this company.
The types of personal data we collect are divided into the following categories:
Data provided by the data subjects:
Registration data (name, CPF, address, profession, phone and email contacts), personal information (marketing preferences, such as emphasis on types of products and services from Papel Para Mechas and its partners) and professional information (activities performed, position, and company);
Payment data (card numbers, bank details, and billing address).
Automatically collected data:
Identification data (IP address, browser version, geolocation, and standard information sent by devices, application IDs).
Analytics data (user interaction on the site and data related to personalized ads and content, ad and content measurement and insights about the audience and actions on the site, metrics collected through emails and other communication systems of Papel Para Mechas).


The personal data processed are collected through the following communication channels of Papel Para Mechas:
User communication forms;
Social media interactions;
Landing Pages;
WhatsApp Business;
Customer Service (SAC);
EAD – Training platform.


The collection of personal data by Papel Para Mechas carefully observes the legal limits of the LGPD, especially the purpose and respective legal basis (art. 7 of the LGPD) for each data collection activity from clients and users, particularly but not limited to the following situations:
Free, spontaneous, and unequivocal consent of the user in the data collection aiming to send additional information about Papel Para Mechas products or partner companies to clients and users;
Execution of the contract and compliance with legal or regulatory obligations necessary for product or service sales operations, and issuance of mandatory tax documents;
Regular exercise of rights in case of data storage necessary for situations of judicial processes or in administrative bodies;
Legitimate interest in collecting data aimed at improving the website (navigation data) and personalizing content for the user, showing relevant ads and information on other websites related specifically to the product or service of Papel Para Mechas sought by the user.


Papel Para Mechas employs the most advanced technical and procedural means available in the market to store the collected personal data in absolute security, having a trained technical team to prevent or minimize the risks of incidents that compromise the integrity and controlled access to the data, including but not limited to loss, theft, or misplacement. Personal data are processed for the minimum time necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. After achieving this purpose, the data may be stored, with controlled access, solely for accounting purposes, public authority requests, or use in judicial and/or administrative demands, in compliance with the legal prescription period. In case of receiving free information through authorized advertising, the data will be processed until the user exercises their right to deletion as indicated on the Papel Para Mechas website.


The access to the collected personal data is the responsibility of Papel Para Mechas and will be carried out by this company's internal team, with authorization control that meets the best security procedures. In some cases, personal data may be shared with commercial partners of Papel Para Mechas, considering the purpose that generated the data collection or to enable the technical operation of these companies, such as the use of external servers, order shipping, etc. With explicit and unequivocal authorization, the data of clients and/or users may be shared with other commercial partners (in addition to those described in item 1 of this document) of Papel Para Mechas to better serve the client's experience.


Papel Para Mechas uses cookies. "Cookies" are small text files created on the websites the user visits and stored by browsers to create a "memory" of information about the user's navigation. This allows Papel Para Mechas to improve the user experience consuming content on its websites. Some cookies terminate after leaving the site, while others are persistent and remain for a certain time in the user's browser. Cookies collect analytical, security, marketing usage, and website functionality information to enhance its operation and personalize content and ads. By using our site, you authorize us through specific acceptance to collect and use this information for the following purposes:
Understand how you use our site;
Record your user preferences;
Record registration information;
Track the services/products you have used and/or accessed;
Facilitate purchase procedures and suggest similar products/services;
Prevent banners from being displayed every time you visit the site;
Besides cookies, Papel Para Mechas uses web beacons, tracking pixels, and other tracking technologies that help improve your experience and personalize the content presented on the sites.


Papel Para Mechas ensures that data subjects whose personal data are collected by this company have all the rights provided in Law No. 13.709/2018 (LGPD), especially the following:
preservation of their intimacy and privacy;
confirmation of the existence of data processing;
access to data;
correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data;
deletion of data, in cases of processing based on user consent;
portability to another product or service provider, upon express and specific request;
anonymization, blocking, or deletion of unnecessary, excessive, or non-compliant data with the law;


Deletion or anonymization in permitted legal cases will be carried out free of charge and automatically, upon request by users and/or data subjects directly through a link provided on the website. In the case of email marketing campaigns, at the bottom of each sent message, there is a link for unsubscription and removal from the database.


Papel Para Mechas may change this Privacy Policy at any time. If so, the change or new privacy policy will be made available on its website and a prominent notice will be issued about it. Therefore, it is important for the user to periodically access the Privacy Policy. If new authorizations are required from users, Papel Para Mechas will make specific requests through the contacts maintained in its information base.